
Social Media Director Position

Hiring a Social Media Director to manage all my social media and scale my content to the millions, in advance of my book publication next year and the launch of ReHumanity.

You'll join a high-calibre team, including:

  • Me (Andrew) - Forbes 30u30 entrepreneur & behavioural economist

  • Soheil Ahmadzadeh - former VC Exec, now psychologist, last deal closed was = $500m

  • Anthony Mitson - filmmaker for Red Bull, JD Sports & the Qatari government, also my brother!

  • And an expanding research team of Cambridge & UCL neuroscience, philosophy & history graduates

We're on a mission to reconnect the world to its humanity. Technology and rationality have brought us many wonderful things - science, healthcare, millions liberated from poverty - but our world is now over-technologised. Meaningless stressful jobs, artificial social interactions, everyone & everything shredded down to lines of data.

Stuck, stressed & lost, many are left asking: IS THIS IT? IS THIS REALLY LIFE? Where’s the fun? Where’s the colour? Where’s the humanity?

40% of Americans suffer with depression or substance abuse. 68% say they’re unfulfilled.

And every 2 seconds, someone is so desperately unhappy they see no other choice but to take their own life. Commonly by overdosing on the same drugs they were prescribed to “make them happy”.

How much more do we have to suffer before the world wakes up and realises something is very seriously wrong?

You can learn more about the book here:

You 🫵

This opportunity is for someone extremely ambitious who understands that real people are really suffering right now. They need help so we need to get the message and help out there, with imperative.

You must be highly creative, very proactive and fascinated by psychology, social media and technology.

You can work intensely. No long hours, but when you are working, you’re locked in, immersed and totally focussed.

This should excite you, not feel like another job to pay the bills. Your responsibilities (below) should strike you as play - “Oh wow I would do most of this for fun!”

You’re up for the adventure of a lifetime and the opportunity to actually change the world.

Your responsibilities 💼

• Getting our content - Andrew's personal & ReHumanity's - out to the millions, and eventually billions - yes, we are very seriously aiming for true global system-wide impact. (This isn’t vacuous marketing hype, and it doesn’t matter if it takes decades. Things need to change.)

• You will build and automate AI-powered content repurposing processes for TikTok, Instagram, LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter, Youtube, etc. (No coding skills required, we can get someone to do that stuff for you)

• You will ideate interesting and new content ideas + learn from the cutting edge of what’s working on social media platforms

• Organise guerilla marketing stunts - e.g. getting people to dress up as chimps and lock themselves in cubicle cages in Times Square/Trafalgar Square, drinking coffee to stay awake, Deliveroo-ing junk food, and clicking away on a laptop to show the insanity of our current lifestyles

Everything can be learned on the job and once we've got processes/systems in place you shouldn't be doing anything yourself - the content machine should run autonomously and you'll spend your time thinking up new ideas and pushing the boat out. (Although it will likely take a while to get there, even with AI.)

Details 🔬

• Pay = base salary to cover your living costs for now + a nice chunk of equity* so you have skin in the game + performance bonuses

• Base salary will increase commensurate with company growth, we’ll be fundraising later this year and you’ll be taken care of (i.e. min £50k base + everything else)

Can (optionally) start off part-time to begin with (e.g. 20 hours a week) while we're getting rolling

• But will need to increase to full-time by July, latest August

*Please note: as always, this equity might turn out to be worth nothing, many/most new ventures fail, but if it goes even 5% as well as we plan, this will set you up for life + have enormous social impact. Just be aware you're taking some financial risk here, derisked by a very high learning reward.)

Extra Benefits ❤️

  • Unlimited learning and development budget (basically if it’s ROI positive, go for it)

  • Access to an insane network and mentorship opportunities from Andrew and Soheil

  • Flexible work: remote or hybrid, whatever style you work best in

  • Regular in-person meet-ups for brainstorming and fun (bouldering, ice-skating, creative brunches, etc.)

  • Once you’ve automated all the social media process into an effective system, we can sell this system to other businesses. You will (again) take a significant equity stake here .

How To Apply ✍️

  1. Read some of Andrew's articles & newsletters

  2. Read the first mini-chapter of Andrew's book:

  3. Develop a high-level one-page social media strategy for my personal brand / book launch

  4. Find one social media trend or already successful specific piece of content we could adapt to promote our message / mission

  5. Submit the above^ along with your CV or LinkedIn profile to

Deadline is June 2nd 11:59pm but we’ll review applications on a rolling basis.

(I will update this post if the position is filled before then.)
