Sources reveal that an initiative is underway to regulate the manufacture, distribution, and use of hammers.
Government spokesbeings confirm that the Ministry of Hammers is expected to be moved into their new $1,234,567,890 building by the spring of 2030. Facilities to house the newly formed 25,000 member hammer police force should be available by 2032.
Brilliant! Have they considered the added safety of mandating the hammer-part and claw-part be manufactured separately, kept stored separately in locked compartments and registered with the local PD?
Can't have people having access to assault hammers!
What about military grade hammers.... or so called "ghost" hammers. People are now 3D printing hammers!!! We should ban 3D printers as well.
I just hope one day, it will be illegal to "buy, sell, import or transfer" any type of hand hammer.
I know people use hammers for construction, especially in rural areas, but we should still require people to have hammer licenses. Safe storage as you mentioned, of hammers is also an absolute must.
I was raised on a ranch. Every piece of equipment had it's very own hammer. Tractors, balers, cultivators, hay wagons, the windmills and pumps - each with a hammer in the tool box.
And my Dad, the hired hands, my brother and I all had hammers, (and fencing tools) permanently stored in our saddle bags.
Perhaps the single most versatile tool invented by man!