An American Traitor
Trump is the first traitor who has ever gotten away with enormous crimes against the State. Traitors must be held accountable.
It is totally unacceptable for President Elect Trump to ever take office in America. Only Adolph Hitler got away with the crimes, horror and un-constitutionality of this band of evil brothers. SOMEONE HAS TO DO SOMETHING IMMEDIATELY. HELP MUST COME FROM THE PRESENT ADMINISTRATION and/or the courts. Existing lawsuits must be re-instated before it is too late to save this country. Either Judge Justice Juan Manuel Merchan may be the only person capable of saving America from the sociopathic, evil genius of Donald Trump for using Hitler’s methods to con American voters.
If American law that “no man is above the law” are still intact, Judge Merchan must sentence Trump to jail for a minimum of five years and prevent him from ever leading this country again if we value our institutions and laws. We will not recognize the country that we love if this man ever enters the white house again. He will destroy our country from within, just as Hitler destroyed Europe in the 1930’s and 40’s, killing millions of people and costing trillions of dollars. Are we so stupid to allow that in today’s world? I can never believe that so many voters could have been taken in by this evil maniac who has been diagnosed as a psychopath by numerous Psychiatrists, including his own niece. He has no conscious, no honor, no values except for money and approval from others. His entire purpose for running was for self-enrichment and glory.
Trumps criminalities continued during his entire life, but they did not affect American citizens drastically until he became President, then his crime scene escalated and tyranny began. He used his yes-men cabinet as Acting officials, without Senate approval as the Constitution requires. He tried at least four methods to retain the office for life by fake electors, help from two Attorney Generals, lies, hate speeches, false information deliberately spread to deceive by social media supplied by Russians and other countries allowed him to rule by tyranny. Nothing would stop him. He would have his way with no consequences for his actions year after year and voters ate it up; especially the black, brown and Jew haters. He said, “Tell them anything. They will believe anything.”
In another era, Trump would have been tared and feathered and run out of town on a rail.
He took the oath of office in 2016, and violated nearly every clause in the Constitution for the next four years without consequences. Then he started an insurrection that killed and threatened his own Vice President’s life – along with Congressmen and Senators. In my vocabulary, that was the action of an American traitor, but Trump called it a love fest.
Justice Juan Manuel Merchan must have the courage to sentence Trump to the maximum number of years under the law if we are to save our country, or it will be too late.
The RICO case in Georgia and all other cases against him must be scheduled as quickly as possible in order that the “know-not that they know-not” become aware of his cunning crimes that scammed too many to vote for him in their ignorance of the treason committed by this traitor.
Trump and his cohorts effectively are in the process of destroying every safeguard we have in our system of government with their choice of cabinet and other officials that he has named. It is doubtful that any of them would be confirmed by the senate.
The presential election was not legitimate; it was bought by Elon Musk, billionaires’ PAC funds as well as misinformation and lies by Fox News, and Russia, Iran and China’s propaganda misinformation that flooded into social media. Trump’s copying of Hitler’s 30’s and 40’s speeches also worked. Most intelligent voters understood this. Only the mesmerized Trump followers and the uninformed were conned by this narcissistic maniac. He said, “Tell them anything and they will believe it”. and they did.
But few understood the consequences of a president who told us exactly what he intended to do after the election, although he told us in no uncertain terms. There would never need to be another election. In fact, “he should never have left.”! He would change the U.S. Constitution; he would bring the Justice Department into the Executive Branch; he would get rid of CBS, NBC, ABC and PBS, so there would be no more “fake media”. He would be a dictator from day one. He would install his cabinet without the approval of congress, as he did in his prior administration. He would return immigrants back to where they came from, and set up camps for them, and separate children from parents or send them all back together. He would insist on absolute loyalty to him instead of to the Constitution. He would forgive all the insurrectionists, and free himself from any consequences for his many corrupt years, failure to pay taxes, and continue to bring lawsuits against anyone who opposed him. He would get revenge – “I’ll make them pay for what they did to me.” He had never experienced anyone holding him accountable for his actions or inactions, and finally even succeeded in getting the approval of the Supreme Court of America.