
Thinking about homeschooling, and how incredibly overwhelming it can be when you start digging into so many resources! Wondering if there’s a way to collect some wisdom from the homeschooling moms who are further ahead?

I’m smack in the middle with littles up to 5th grade, but could think of some things I’d tell my younger self.

What wisdom or “wish I would have known” would you give to your new homeschool mom, super enthusiastic, about to be burned out in one year (just me?) self?

My husband gave me good advice when we started — he knows me so well.

“If you’re not having fun, it isn’t working”

Now, this doesn’t necessarily apply the same way when you do need to teach grammar and math at some point. But it’s still mostly true. When the joy gets sucked out of it, usually something has gone awry. If you love books and nature and discovering things, but everything feels like a slog, have you taken on someone else’s style or to-do list?

I would really encourage any young moms to lean into what it is that comes naturally to you, put on your blinders after making a decision, and focus on your particular children and circumstances. The huge array of resources make it overwhelming, but in my experience it’s the small consistency that moves the needle, and it doesn’t need to involve beautiful printable (though if that’s your thing? More power to you!)

Also if you have a row of little boys, please don’t compare your homeschool to your friends with a bunch of girls 😂

12 replies
3 Restacks
5:12 PM
Jul 6, 2024