
The app for independent voices

I finally blew my stack over the β€œtrans sports issue.” I’m sorry.

Leave Trans People Alone: A Rant

hello people in my phone. if you are a man who loves robert pattinson can you reply to this and tell me what it is about him that compels you so deeply. thank you <3

I love my wife. I’m so lucky man. That’s all

You made it, you own it

You always own your intellectual property, mailing list, and subscriber payments. With full editorial control and no gatekeepers, you can do the work you most believe in.

Young named First Team All-Conference

Hello. GOOD MOVIE will officially launch March 28th.

Also: Here’s a picture of me working at home recently. I love doing the splits. I do them all the time. Everybody gets happy when I do them.

One time, my friend’s father passed away and so I was at the funeral to be there as support. The pastor asked if anyone had anything they wanted …

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Just wrapped this up today… still have to add gold highlights to the tunic. I have to say, I love the shaggy lamb!

A day too late but from my heart: Happy Birthday to Oldster and congrats to you, Sari!!! What a great achievement! This is one of my favorite newsletter/ publications; so inspiring and surprising! Gets me thinking about my own experiences and beliefs every week. Thank you! πŸŽ‰πŸ₯‚ πŸ‘ ❀️

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Sep 1, 2022
2:29 PM