Yes, 100%. Life is not safe, and the ever increasing, ever authoritarian spiral into obsessive safety-ism quickly descends past a threshold where it transmogrifies from a perhaps well intentioned attempt at a measured preservation of life against obvious, catastrophic, and unnecessary peril into a complete denial of life-as-experience in the blind, mad retreat into life-as-mere-perpetuated-existence. It is monstrous, the very antithesis of life itself.

And to keep the comic convos going, I think it is aptly analogized in Darkseid’s “anti-life equation,” a cold, calculating, unchanging numerical prison that reduces all of life to a solved stasis (to coin a phrase for Destiny fans), and thus to no life at all.

And the modern obsession with idiotic “trigger warnings” is another example of two loathsome trends:

1) The complete off-loading to everyone else of your own personal responsibility for even something as rudimentary as resolving your own issues to a level where you can “feel comfortable” in basic interfacing with the world, or at the very least resilient enough to move on when encountering content you find disturbing. This a vile, selfish, and puerile maneuver by the so-called offended party in demanding constant accommodation from others instead of taking care of themselves.

2) The currencification (I made this up, but I like it) of said faux-offense as a form of social currency, creating incentive structures that perpetuate and escalate such abhorrent and (ideally) aberrant behavior until it becomes the norm, ironically only harming those individuals as well in the end as they become weaker, more neurotic, more emotionally and psychologically hobbled and atrophied as the range of experiences narrows and any sense of personal responsibility, resilience, and (vitally) empowerment withers and dies, leading us individually and socially into the terrifying, silent, singularity of anti-life spoken of above.

Jul 8, 2023
2:56 PM