I’ve been reading the Oxygen Advantage and learning about the benefits of breathing through the nose (working through decongestion-it supposedly gets easier), and the pitfalls of mouth-breathing.
There are so many benefits, like reducing stress, eating healthier, losing weight, being more physically fit, etc. But I’ve now heard ADHD mentioned concerning the mouth-breathing and other dental issues.
One commenter mentioned asking their dental hygenist about the dental benefits, and the dental hygenist knew, but wouldn’t tell people that nose-breathing could help all these issues (like dry mouth, cavities, crowded teeth issues) because their reaction from clients would be negative. (Is that the same reason doctors don’t tell you to exercise or intermittent fast when you’re overweight?)
Then, a dentist seeing a child with overcrowding would normally simply remove teeth (which can lead to the mouth becoming smaller still and later on could cause sleep apnea for life) or the the dentist could attempt to grow the mouth. Which do you think they’ll choose?
I am thrilled that people are talking about these issues, and there is so much available information, but I am amazed at how our “health” systems just take the easy way out and do not give informed consent to patients concerning the possible side effects and other options available.