Lisa and Whit 

As You Are Podcast with Lisa Bolin and Whit Stewart. Listen to in depth conversations between these two amazing women as they share insights, struggles, glimmers, and the tools to support you as you navigate this one beautiful life, as you are.

I say this all the time. I think it’s the number one thing we can do to positively affect our mental health. Be intentional. ❤️

Be Discerning About What You Ingest

This includes being here on Substack. Every “mind” interacting on social media carries a certain frequency. There are no random thoughts—ever.

If you ate everything at a buffet, you’d be sick. Yet, people do this all the time on social media, consuming every thought that appears in their feed.

Social medi…


Dear Substack-Universe,

Fewer “how to do Substack” posts and more creatives, history-lovers, yoga legends, unicorn 🦄 lovers, knitters , poets, photographers, Breathwork fans, meditators, funny-peeps, global roamers, people who love moss, Queenagers, women who run with the wolves & swim with dolphins, women who can laugh at themselves 💜 even if they might pee a little, human design nerds and who love all things woo ✨

Ta, thanks, bye,

Lisa 👑💖✨

Subscribe to get the full video when it's released.

Subscribe to get the full video when it's released.

Subscribe to get this episode when it’s released!


Oh how this has been on my mind…

Should I Quit Instagram?
Favourite Substack Reads of JANUARY - with LINKS 🔗

The nervous system has been on my mind. As a Holistic Life Coach I honestly don’t believe we can make real lasting change without engaging with somatic work. When we spend the time to calm our nervous systems even a little bit each day we signal safety to our bodies, and when we do that our bodies can allow us to move forward.

I picture us as scared animals. We’re constantly in survival. Shuddering, hiding, needed to be comforted. The only way we can truly tap into our creativity, our life force…


Well, hello February, it’s lovely to have you here 💖 😁

Fabulous Flucking February

A great reminder from The Universe today, delivered politely to my inbox…

“Of all the things that really and truly matter, Whit, getting more done is not among them.”

Well said.


An absolutely AWESOME and extensive DIRECTORY from the FABULOUS

that EVERY Solopreneur should have! 👍🥰

Just one of the many brilliant perks of being a paid member over at Hype Yourself - Worth it just for THIS LIST of resources/contacts/PR tips alone, in my opinion! 👏❤️🎉 Thank you Lucy! 🙏

Elevate Your Brand