

Is anyone else here a podcast nut?

I feel like I have listened to EVERYTHING and I cannot get enough. All the usual “top podcasts” lists I have already exhausted. Please give me some recommendations! I’d love to hear what other people are listening to.

My 3 recommendations:

1: The Retrievals - An excellent piece of reporting on systemic failures.

Themes: Medical misogyny, fertility, healthcare

2: The Girlfriends - A gripping narrative without being salacious true crime. This story is beautifully told and should be essential listening in the fight to end male violence against women.

Themes: Domestic violence, abusive relationships, female solidarity

3: Trusty Hogs - okay this one is MUCH lighter than the other two but it’s such a fun listen. 2 hilarious comedians chatting about mental health, life, relationships etc… the more I ‘get to know’ them the more it feels like catching up with 2 very funny friends once a week, big fan.
