Academia is women’s work, now.

This article accurately identifies the 60/40 female/male ratio as the tipping point, beyond which men - and society in general - code a given institution, activity, occupation, or profession as feminine, following which male participation plummets.

Thanks to decades of programs designed to boost girls - while ignoring or denigrating boys - universities have now reached that threshold.

This will be their doom.

Academia largely gets by on prestige. Female-coded occupations are not prestigious, basically by definition. Thus, college will no longer be considered prestigious. And we’re seeing that happen in real time.

Why is this?

The author seems to imply the problem is with men cleaving to notions of ‘traditional masculinity’, but this is nonsense. This is not an arbitrary social construct that can be corrected with sufficient nagging. It’s hard-coded into human mating behaviours.

Men are attracted to youth and beauty; women are attracted to achievement.

Men don’t care how much a girl makes or how many educational credentials she’s piled up; they don’t really care what women do. They just care that they’re women.

Women, by contrast, prefer high-status men to low-status men. Therefore, to be sexually successful, a man must accrue status. How does a man do this? By successfully competing with other men, and rising in a male-dominated hierarchy. A man does not accrue status by outcompeting other women; women will not reward him for this. He does it by outcompeting other men.

This is why men don’t get in fights with women. It’s a no-win situation. If you ‘win’, you beat up a girl; if you lose, you got beaten by a girl. It’s a lose-lose proposition. The same logic applies to any form of intersexual competition.

Thus, if a given arena becomes dominated by women, it becomes completely irrelevant to men. It has nothing to offer them. So they avoid it. And then, because prestige is a trait of male hierarchies, that arena loses prestige. It becomes low status. It becomes women’s work.

A healthy society recognizes this and works with it, instead of pretending that hard-wired human sexual psychology is a bad thing because it conflicts with abstract nonsense like ‘equality’. If you want excellent work to do be done, you need to attach a status hierarchy to it; once that’s done, men will work their asses off to rise in it. If there’s no status to be had, men won’t care, and the result will be mediocrity (which, well … look at academia right now…) But to implement a status hierarchy, sexual segregation is non-negotiable. There’s no way around it. You either accept that, or you suffer the consequences.

Why aren't we talking about the real reason male college enrollment is dropping?
We would rather talk about literally everything else.
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2:19 PM
Oct 10, 2024