There's a growing consensus that Trump's momentum may well be too great for the 2020 fraud tricks to overbalance, and that the left will react to this with humility and grace, accepting defeat and reconsidering those aspects of their program and ideology that have alienated the white population.


Of course not. They're going to try and throw a color revolution. They'll insist that Trump cheated, that Russian 5GW bot farms warped the minds of the electorate … whatever, it doesn't matter. Then they'll agitate the thirty million illegals they brought into the country, attempting to activate them into shock troops with which to cow the American electorate, Rwandan machete gang style. Mostly peaceful protests for justice, this is what democracy looks like, no one is illegal, borders are racist, the cry of the unheard.

Using that crisis as an excuse, they'll then try to declare a state of exception in order to nullify the results of the election, banking on media mind control of their NPC electorate on the one hand, intimidation of the Republican base via unprecedented racial violence on the other hand, and control of the administrative state on the gripping hand.

This isn't a prophecy. But if I was an evil, narcissistic sociopath who felt his grip on power slipping, under the current circumstances, it's what I'd do.

Question is, if events do go that way … what is everyone else going to do?

Oct 29
8:51 PM