The app for independent voices

I don’t know if anyone else has noticed the change in political tone at Russian Jewish Saunas over the last year but mine went from a mix of CNN and Fox News on the TVs to exclusively Fox News and every one is excited about Trump. Every one was screaming about how Trump is going to get the hostages back today. Im not mad cause its everyone’s right to believe what they want to believe but I think there is definitely an opportunity to open a more centrist Russian Jewish sauna. Like a reconstructionist sauna with the exact same archaic style with the same rice plov special every day but play Pat Mcafee on a loop as a compromise and just avoid the news. I love strong man shit like the sauna or the boxing gym but its always served with a side of right wing conservative bullshit. Are all the lib dudes at cat adoption centers or mohawk general store? Fml. I just want to shvitz without hearing about the next man’s alimony evasion strategy.

Dec 3
3:47 AM