Check out my latest post! This is how George Lucas was able to tap into the deeper psychology of audiences across the globe through his mythological tales.
Welcome to Valentine’s Day week! Dive deeper into why relationships were such a rollercoaster ride for George Lucas in this latest Vedic Astrological case study.
Find out what fed George Lucas’ “dark side” in this latest exploration of his 6th House in Vedic Astrology.
Here’s my latest on George Lucas! As seen through the lens of Tropical Vedic Astrology. Enjoy :)
George Lucas. One of the richest film celebrities in the world. How did he get that way? Have a blast getting into the nitty-gritty astrological details of how this man made his fortune by checking out my latest post!
What drove George Lucas’ ambitions in filmmaking? Find out in this post as we explore Lucas’ House 3 of willpower, ambition and drive!