Absolutely total bullshit drivel! You have a professional opinion disagreement, PERIOD!! Your original C&D letter was also a DEMAND for an apology AND reparations---TOTALLY UNACCEPTABLE behavior! Drop the friggin’ lawsuit, grow a pair of balls, pick up the effin’ phone, call Dr. Breggin(we know you have their number!), and hash it out in PRIVATE. This is NOT helping you, the health freedom movement or the medical profession. Stop acting like a scorned teenager.
The definition of team and humanity wrapped up in the very first story. I admire Suzanna's strength, her courage, and her beautiful spirit so much. Lorri's commitment to bringing awareness, her ability to lead, and her continued search for truth inspires me, and although I have not met Antoinette, I hope that I'm "that" kind of friend to someone.
Thank you for this Newsletter and to all that support Team Humanity!