Nowhere to Hyde

Brian Hyde just posted an excellent 16 minute video here:

Well done, Brian!

So here’s my (rhetorical) question: Is stealing or defacing a campaign sign also a hate crime under the same symbolic standard of missing/ defaced pride flags? For example, several of Idaho’s primary election candidates suffered campaign sign theft and vandalism at the hands of disgruntled folks likely of an opposite persuasion. But, I heard little talk about “hate crimes” in response. Was it because those candidates weren’t part of a “protected” class?

Vandalism is vandalism, pure and simple. It should be investigated and punished by simple vandalism laws.

Let’s calm down and STOP using the term hate crime at all. The alternative leads to “thought crimes” and draconian laws such as those previously passed across the ponds in Scotland and Australia and now right here in the US of A — for example, WA and soon Coeur d’Alene.

In those sad places, one person’s hate crime (e.g., misgendering) is another person’s honest mistake or adherence to his/her principles.  The slope is slippery indeed, and such laws always backfire. [Look up “Scotland’s Hate Crime and Public Order Act” and “Hate speech laws in Australia” for examples.]

Absolutely, the Golden Rule should rule. Of course, we should be kind. But kindness is something we must learn at home, from parents and family, and in our community organizations such as churches, synagogues, and the like. It’s not to be legislated or forced in any way.

If you don’t like me, don’t hang out with me. No one — and certainly NO government — should force you to like or specially accommodate me, nor should anyone force me to like  or specially accommodate you.

Jun 29
7:47 PM