
Fiscal Fridays: Ranked Choice Voting will Cost Idaho (07/12/24)

If you want to save Idaho and its voting system, don’t miss this five minute video from Niklas Kleinworth of Idaho Freedom Foundation.

🔥🚫 Then VOTE NO on the Ranked Choice Voting / Jungle Primary ballot measure Nov. 5, 2024.

Even if this confusing voting system were a good idea (which it is not), the cost to Idaho taxpayers is outrageous!

Idaho Secretary of State Phil McGrane revealed that the cost to implement the rank choice voting initiative far exceeds the original $1.6 million estimate. Experience (bad) from other states like Alaska and more calculations tells us this change could cost taxpayers up to $40 million for new machines, training, and more.

Niklas Kleinworth breaks down the fiscal implications of the RCV initiative in five minutes.

  • More information at “Jungle Primaries & Ranked Choice Voting (RCV) Ballot Initiative: A Race to the Bottom”:

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Jungle Primaries & Ranked Choice Voting (RCV) Ballot Initiative: A Race to the Bottom - Update 09/24/24
🦨 Open/Jungle Primaries & RCV threaten Idaho’s conservative voices. These are leftist-favored tactics to turn Idaho blue. Learn the issues! Do not fall for Reclaim Idaho's propaganda.
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11:37 PM
Jul 13, 2024