Dear Friends, Patients, and Fellow Warriors,
My beloved husband, protector and best friend was united with Jesus on June 15, 2024.
The past couple of weeks have been the most difficult as I walk through life without my loving husband beside me. The void he has left is immense, and the pain of his absence is something I feel every single day.
The daily drive into work is extremely difficult. Those 40-minute drives to and from work were always the best part of my day. We would discuss work, our kids & grandkids, our successes and failures. We'd catch up on The Highwire or some other great podcast, and we would talk passionately about medical corruption and how we could change the way people sought medical care.
When you're with someone practically 24/7, the bond you share becomes unbreakable.
Navigating this road without him is rough, but I find solace in knowing that Jesus will get us through. My family has been beyond amazing. Your support and prayers mean the world to me, and I am eternally grateful for each one of you.