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Andrew Wakefield, Family Wealth & the Price of a Lie (07/11/24, CHD video 1 hr 5 min)

This two-segment video is hosted by Children's Health Defense (CHD) producer Polly Tommey, with guests Dr. Andrew Wakefield, Catherine Austin Fitts, and Carolyn Betts, ESQ.

In the first segment (~45 min), Dr. Andrew Wakefield's discusses his new Protocol 7 movie about Merck's mumps vaccine. The movie will be heavily censored, but already has received many positive reviews. This segment discusses the making of the movie, the story behind it, (true with fictional characters) and how you can find a screening; streaming will follow theatrical releases.

In the second segment (~20 min) Catherine Austin Fitts and Carolyn Betts explain how vaccine lies devastate families and their finances, especially when children are harmed by vaccines.

  • NOTE: Grandparents who don't want their grandkids vaccinated often say “it's none of my business." Fitts explains exactly why it IS the grandparents' business (~53 minute 33 sec time stamp).

From the Show Notes

Dr. Andrew Wakefield is perhaps one of the most attacked and censored whistleblowers in the medical freedom movement. He has been outspoken about the fraud within the industry for decades, pushing back against unscientific and fraudulent safety and efficacy claims made by vaccine manufacturers and government agencies. Following the release of a groundbreaking film, “Protocol 7,” which exposes Merck for its problematic mumps vaccine, the courts and public square continue to deliberate on this very matter.

(Show notes include linked RESOURCES)

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Jul 21
11:08 AM