Pumping and Dumping Vaccines. Dissecting the predatory business model we are all subjected to. By A MIDWESTERN DOCTOR (06/27/24)


This is another AMD (A Midwestern Doctor) must-read for EVERYONE. Some people have said we should just stop beating the anti-vaccine and anti-Pharma drums and let it go because “COVID is over.”

We disagree. The fat lady hasn’t even begun to sing yet. As AMD clearly pointed out, they will just keep trying what they’ve tried over the centuries — with other diseases, other countermeasures. For this reason, we must beat the drums of truth louder than ever before. AMD's phenomenal articles make that possible.

We all must have the courage to continue waking up our friends, relatives, acquaintances, legislators, legal professionals, company executives and more until all can see what AMD has revealed through the “Forgotten Side of Medicine” articles.

Also, we MUST boycott and “Refuse to Use” (our new ™) all harmful products — foods, drugs, medical devices, etc. — and other countermeasures. Because industry and government are so money-driven and often without conscience, we must make our money talk — by its very silence.

People may be starting to act against COVID shots more quickly because the shots were so broadly and brazenly administered to adults who — unlike victims of the childhood vaccine schedule — can recognize and speak out against side effects in themselves and others. Also, the COVID shots were administered worldwide using the same mantra of “safe and effective for all” when our own lying eyes could see they were anything but “safe and effective for many.”

Many people still are susceptible to lies and gaslighting by industry, government, and their own medical providers. But more wake up every day, thanks to AMD and others who write, read. and share true, unbiased, “real science” (vs. Fauci’s “I am the science” science).

On behalf of all who are slowly waking up, we thank AMD sincerely.

Pumping and Dumping Vaccines
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9:02 PM
Jul 24, 2024