
ICAN: Self-Spreading Vaccines Company Autonomous Therapeutics, Inc. Rebrands After ICAN Raises Alarm (07/25/24):…

The HighWire broke an alarming story on how the U.S. government is funding the development of “self-spreading vaccines.” Since then, one of the two companies involved in this technology, Autonomous Therapeutics, Inc., has rebranded itself. Now the company claims it is simply developing “precision medicines” that are “disease-activated.” This is a thinly disguised attempt at damage control, which ICAN will continue to monitor closely.

Informed Consent and Human Health: From mRNA Gene Therapy Injections to Self-Amplifying Vaccines
What is happening & what we must do to avoid tyranny & medical slavery. Latest scary vaccine tech. Important definitions (informed consent, EUA, nullification). 7 Steps to freedom. References & links.
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Jul 27, 2024