
On The Brink In The Middle East - Buckle Up. By Sam Faddis (08/01/24)…

The Middle East has passed the brink of war, with nuclear threats imminent. For example:

  • Airlines have cancelled flights to and from Tel Aviv.

  • Israel is battening down the hatches for what could be a devastating attack from Iran (possibly nuclear).

  • Lebanon is shooting at Israel.

  • Israelis already are at war in Gaza and about to engage with Hezbollah in Lebanon.

  • Houthis nearly closed the Red Sea to international shipping.

  • And Lindsay Graham is calling for America to wage war against Iran.

Sadly, the American “presidents” are absent and unable to deal with any of this.

Sam Faddis, in inimitable fashion, tells it like it is, no sugar coating.

On The Brink In The Middle East - Buckle Up
Lufthansa just canceled all its flights to and from Tel Aviv due to concerns that an all-out Middle Eastern war is about to break out.
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11:20 AM
Aug 3, 2024