The app for independent voices

The Right to Think for Yourself. Consequences of State Control of the Overton Window. By Dr. Robert Malone, MD, MS (08/05/24)…

Please read this essay about how governments and their agents steal your thoughts, your ability to hear and speak truth, your wealth, and your bodily autonomy, sometimes with subtlety, but more often with taxation, laws, and even brute force.

Some further comments based on this excellent essay:

“DR.” PETER HOTEZ: Hotez is dean of the National School of Tropical Medicine at Baylor University College of Medicine and director of the Center for Vaccine Development. Perhaps in these roles he was bitten by a tsetse fly 🪰 or an anopheles mosquito 🦟 or myriad artificial jabs 🦠 💉 that filled his mind with virulent strains of deviant totalitarian DNA dementia.

FIGHTING BACK: BREAKING NEWS: ICAN’S Attorneys File Suit Against CDC to End its Illegal Blocking of Users on X (Twitter):

WATCH: Judgment at Nuremberg (video 3 hrs). Dramatization of the 1948 trial of four German jurists accused of legalizing Nazi atrocities. Nearly every scene in this 1961 movie is shockingly similar to what’s taking place TODAY:

Aug 5
6:32 PM