Democrat Democracy. By Brent Regan (08/08/24).…

Trump wants to have free and fair elections where voters are citizens and qualified electors. Democrats want none of that!

Regan opens with:

From the president on down, the Democrats have been claiming that Donald Trump will “end democracy.” There are two problems with this claim. One is that they won’t say HOW Trump would end democracy and the other is they don’t tell us what they mean by “democracy.”

He then clearly explains the sharp contrast between the Republicans and Democrats view of "republics" and "democracies."

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American Thought Leaders: How Free Societies Fall for Totalitarian Temptations: with Ryszard Legutko (podcast 45 min, 08/05/24)…

Ryszard Legutko fought for freedom in Poland as an underground editor in the anti-communist Solidarity movement. But after democracy was restored in Poland, he began seeing trends he didn’…

Aug 9
12:32 PM