Op-Ed: Be Smart, Say “No” to Corporate Immunity. By Bryan Smith (08/10/24)


In his Op-Ed, trial attorney and Idaho Republican National Committeeman Bryan Smith wrote:

I read Senator Mark Harris’ recent article that read more like a propaganda piece than an opinion piece. The theme of his article was that unless the Idaho legislature provides Bayer, the manufacturer of Roundup, with immunity, civilization as we know it will collapse.

Until I read Senator Harris’ article, I never knew that without giving Bayer immunity for harm Roundup might cause Idahoans, we “jeopardize Idaho jobs, our food security and our national security.” Wow! No wonder Senator Harris says, “The stakes are high.” I mean who knew Roundup is essential to the national security of the United States.

Senator Harris says we must give Bayer immunity for harm Roundup might do to Idahoans so “we can ensure a prosperous future for Idaho” and “defend our economy and our way of life from those who seek to undermine them.” …

Senator Mark Harris Rankings

Why is Main Street Caucus member Senator Mark Harris (R-ID035) supporting pesticide companies in their quest to poison [whatever] without liability for harm? We cannot speak for Senator Harris, but perhaps his independent rankings and voting record can:

Our Take...

Why must we continue fighting companies that want immunity from the harms their products may cause — including pesticides, drugs, "vaccines," cloud seeding, and more?

Where there is risk — and there IS risk — there must be liability.

Could Senator Harris be priming the pump to bring back House Bill 653, which was abruptly removed from the House Business Committee agenda?

Prior to its withdrawal, we asked the legislature to VOTE NO ON House Bill 653 Pesticides, warning labels: legislature.idaho.gov/s…

Here’s why:

H653 is a resubmission of failed Senate S1245. This murkily written bill would exempt pesticide producers from liability under any "provision or doctrine of state law, including without limitation state tort law or relevant common law" as long as they were in compliance with federal EPA regulations.

This bad bill will benefit agricultural-pharmaceutical companies such as Bayer/Monsanto/P4 and recipients of their financial support — who are sure to love release from any product liability — just as vaccine manufacturers have enjoyed for decades, with devastating results and no financial compensation for harms.

S1245 was strongly opposed by Idaho Freedom Foundation, Health Freedom Idaho, Sen. Brian Lenney, two others on the Senate Commerce & Human Resources Committee, and anyone else who understands that federal and state agencies have been fully captured by the power and money of corporate interests.

We can no longer believe "safe and effective," "trust the science," and "thoroughly tested" mantras from FDA, EPA, CDC, and other federal bureaucracies that have absolutely terrible track records.

After all, these captured agencies approved Monsanto's Roundup and Dicamba pesticides. Dicamba lost its 2017 approval recently. Roundup has long been under fire and fined for its dangerous ingredient glyphosate. The evidence against Monsanto's pesticides becomes apparent after REAL science (not EPA science) has proven their dangers time and time again.

Are we really going to trust the word of the three-letter agencies and their corporate partners Bayer/Monsanto/P4 with our health and the health of our farmers, plants, animals, soils, air, and waterways?

Idaho should NEVER again subordinate its state laws to federal agencies. When states abdicate their power to federal agencies, they give up their sovereignty and sell out their citizens. Idaho needs to think, speak, and legislate for itself!

Farmers can find safe alternative pesticides with honest labels. Lack of manufacturers’ liability hurts or kills citizens who will have no financial recourse or liability from the manufacturers for any injuries or deaths their products cause.


Aug 11
12:01 PM