
An Interview With My Two Favorite Anonymous Dissidents. The Scoop on "A Midwestern Doctor" and "The Vigilant Fox". By Pierre Kory, MD, MPA, The Vigilant Fox, and A Midwestern Doctor (08/12/24)…

Dr. Kory presents a fantastic interview with two anonymous voices that rose during the COVID era: A Midwestern Doctor (AMD) and The Vigilant Fox (VF).

We highly recommend you read these interviews (no videos, of course, to protect the identity of the speakers). Then subscribe — of you don't already —to their Substacks:

Questions Asked by Pierre Kory (slightly edited):

  • What made each of you decide you needed to start publishing online?

  • What brought you to become the voice you are now?

  • What about your background enabled to be so impactful online?

  • How did you choose your internet persona?

  • What tips do you have for someone else wishing to follow in your footsteps?

  • What are your personal feelings about what’s happened with COVID-19?

  • AMD, what do you believe is the most important “forgotten side of medicine?”

  • What are your thoughts on Elon Musk as an individual and with what he’s done with Twitter?

  • What struggles has your newfound success created for you?

  • How has the unexpected success of your online endeavors changed the course of your life?

  • What future projects do you have planned with your publications?

  • What do you think are the most important things for our movement now?

  • What type of content can readers expect to find in your Substack?

  • Do you have any plans to break your anonymity?

  • Do you have any parting words?

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12:35 PM
Aug 13, 2024