
Recent Headlines from Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton (08/16/24)

Texas AG Ken Paxton is fighting not only for Texas, but for all of America as he brings lawsuits against the Biden administration and others who are bound and determine to wreck our country.

Here are some recent headlines from his News Releases page at

Note: All the releases begin with “Attor­ney Gen­er­al Ken Pax­ton,” replaced below with …:

  • …and 23 Other States Ask SCOTUS to Allow Arizona Law Requiring Proof of Citizenship for Voting to Go Into Effect

  • …Sues Biden Admin­is­tra­tion Over Rule Forc­ing Pri­vate Busi­ness­es and States to Imple­ment ​“Trans­gen­der” Policies

  • …Sues Biden Admin­is­tra­tion Over Rule That Could Force Rur­al Nurs­ing Homes to Shut Down

  • …Warns the City of Dal­las to End State Fair Firearms Pol­i­cy Unlaw­ful­ly Infring­ing on Sec­ond Amend­ment Rights (Idaho is fighting similar restrictions)

  • …Sues Gen­er­al Motors for Unlaw­ful­ly Col­lect­ing Dri­vers’ Pri­vate Data and Sell­ing It To Sev­er­al Com­pa­nies, Includ­ing Insur­ance Companies

  • …Ongo­ing Inves­ti­ga­tion Into Act­Blue Yields Coop­er­a­tion On Donor Cred­it Card Identification

  • …Deliv­ers Major Win Against Google’s Inter­net Search Monop­oly and Anti­com­pet­i­tive Busi­ness Practices

  • …Secures Final Vic­to­ry, Forc­ing Biden to Con­tin­ue Bor­der Wall Construction

  • …Chal­lenges Biden Administration’s Unlaw­ful Weaponiza­tion of Envi­ron­men­tal Law

Sign up for AG Paxton’s updates here:…

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10:45 AM
Aug 16, 2024