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The American Board of Internal Medicine Revoked All 3 Of My Board Certifications. Although I can still practice medicine, the ABIM's actions against me and Paul Marik threaten the sanctity and autonomy of the physician-patient relationship. The harm to patients will be immense. By Pierre Kory, MD, MPA (08/17/24)


The title and subtitle of this article summarize what happened and its implications for doctors and patients. Truly outrageous! All doctors and patients must wake up to what's happening and say "NO!"

Two key paragraphs in this heroic doctor's article explain:

...I believe that the ABIM’s decision was 100% predetermined even before we first received their accusation in June 2022. There was no way they were going to declare us innocent of misinformation, even though a good portion of this country knows how effective and accurate our deeply evidence-based Covid treatment guidance was (and still is).

...if they declared us “innocent,” (i.e. accurate) that action would have immediately imperiled the decisions by medical boards across the country who persecuted hundreds of doctors for using ivermectin or hydroxychloroquine or for recommending against Covid-19 mRNA gene therapy products. More importantly, it could potentially launch hundreds of thousands of lawsuits by the families of patients who died due to lack of early treatments offered by clinics and hospitals or filled by pharmacies.


Our Suggestions


Write this letter to ABIM:

Dear ABIM:

Your actions and those of all the "traditional" medical mal-/dis- informationists medical complex are a travesty beyond words. To rob Dr. Kory, Dr. Marik, and the rest of humanity of their lives and livelihood is cruel and unusual punishment that deserves the same in return. You should be shamed, sued, and made irrelevant.

Send these messages to everyone else:

To Drs. Kory and Marik

  • Sue the pants off the ABIM! Even if you lose, the discovery evidence will exist for all the world to see.

  • And while you're at it, see that ABIM's actions make it into the US Congressional record.

To Doctors:

  • Rip up your ABIM certification(s) and mail them in tatters to the ABIM office, with a copy of this post from Dr. Kory. Mailing info:

  • Start new practices outside the system or join organizations like the FLCCC. You will be happier, and your patients will have a fighting chance to live healthy lives.

  • Discover how much money ABIM executives are making while they deprive good honest docs like Kory and Marik of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness! For example, look at Dr. Richard Baron's extraordinary compensation here (just two examples):

  • Stop paying your exorbitant ABIM dues and certification exam fees! Hit this organization where it counts — its pocketbook (…)

To Patients

  • Dump your ABIM certified doctor and tell him/her/them/it why. Explain that an ABIM certificate now represents a badge of shame, not of honor and you're having none of it!

  • Tell your hospital you no longer want to use an ABIM credentialed doctor's services. Explain that ABIM is a captured, woke organization that has no business dictating the ability of qualified doctors to treat patients (…).

To Everyone

  • Refuse to patronize academic institutions that discriminate against hiring qualified doctors who lack ABIM certifications.

  • Support Dr. Kory and FLCCC's Dr. Marik with donations and substack subscriptions.

  • Also subscribe to "The Forgotten Side of Medicine" substack by A Midwestern Doctor ( You will learn that none of this persecution and medical lying is new.

  • Check out Covid Essential Links for more resources (sells nothing; tries to avoid mis-/dis- information):

Covid Essential Links - Update 03/02/25
Aug 18
10:58 AM