Prop 1 Ranked Choice Voting Is Expensive. By Dorothy Moon, IDGOP Chairwoman (08/22/24)…
Moon writes:
Six years ago, Reclaim Idaho promised the people of Idaho that Medicaid Expansion would only cost around $400 million a year and that, since it was mostly covered by the federal government, it would be practically free. Today, taxpayers are shelling out many times that amount, and with the national debt now over $35 trillion, that money is anything but free.
The organizers of Proposition 1 claim it will be cheap and easy. The Secretary of State, however, disagrees. Last month, Secretary Phil McGrane estimated that implementing Ranked Choice Voting in Idaho could cost as high as $40 million!
She explains the high costs of Proposition 1, its requirements for new internet connected voting machines (against Idaho law), auditing difficulties and more.
We’re supposed to completely change the way we vote, requiring all new machines that cannot be inspected or audited, and this is going to increase trust in our elections? I don’t think so!
Idahoans deserve an election system that is reliable, trustworthy, and doesn’t break the bank. We have that now so why on earth would we mess with it?
See related article: Jungle Primaries & Ranked Choice Voting (RCV) Ballot Initiative: A Race to the Bottom