
Financial Rebellion: Ensuring Objective Science. With Polly Tommey, Catherine Austin-Fitts, Carolyn Betts and guest James Lyons-Weiler, Ph.D. (08/15/24, video 1 hr)…

Medical journals act as a public library for scientific articles, shaping the practice of medicine, education and population health trends. But when authors and publishers have financial conflicts to favor certain opinions while suppressing alternative viewpoints to achieve an agenda, human health and informed consent suffer.

In this lively and important discussion, James Lyons-Weiler, Ph.D. highlights the state of corruption in medical journals (especially regarding the necessity, safety, and efficacy of vaccines and other drugs), covers a key study of Vaxxed and Unvaxxed child health data from pediatrician Dr. Paul Thomas’s practice, and offers an alternative approach with a new journal and courses from IPAK.

RESOURCES (linked in show notes)

  • BBC One - The Capture

  • Vaxxed 3: Authorized To Kill Official Trailer

  • IPAK

  • Science, Public Health Policy And The Law

  • IPAK Registration

  • Environmental And Genetic Causes Of Autism

  • Cures Vs. Profits: Successes In Translational Research

  • Ebola: An Evolving Story

  • Special Solari Report: Protecting Citizen's Health & Freedom From Covid Lies With Dr. James Lyons-Weiler

  • The War On Informed Consent

  • IPAKnowledge

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11:51 AM
Aug 23, 2024