
Jail Data Shows Kootenai County Honors ICE Detainers, Maintains Agreement to House Federal Detainees. By Charity Joy (08/23/24)…

According to Captain Jeremy Hyle, the sheriff’s office contacted DHS to determine why Kootenai County Jail appeared on a list as ‘non-cooperative.’

The DHS official confirmed that Kootenai County is not designated as ‘non-cooperative’ on any official published data and is not listed as a sanctuary county on any government website.

“DHS did research and said the list you referenced is not accurate and they are able to continue their working relationship with us,” stated Capt. Hyle in response to our inquiry.

“In speaking with DHS officials, if we were in fact on that list, they would be banned from housing illegal aliens with us.”

Theo Wold, who first posted on X a report listing Kootenai County as “non-complainant,” is awaiting confirmation from ICE Seattle Field Office that the report was erroneous.

Kootenai Journal will continue its investigation.

See also: Idaho’s Illegal Immigration, Open Borders, Related Crimes & Security. What Can WE Do?…

Idaho’s Illegal Immigration, Open Borders, Related Crimes & Security. What Can WE Do?
Do we have a border crisis in Idaho? Possibly! So what can Idaho Sheriffs, ordinary citizens, lawmakers and courts do about it? 🆕Updated as needed. Last update 08/27/24.
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10:40 AM
Aug 24, 2024