The History And Evolution Of The Somatic Mutation Theory - Cancer Series Part 2. The consensus theory explaining the cause of cancer is called the Somatic Mutation Theory. It has guided research and treatment in cancer for over 70 years. Let's examine its (non) validity. By Pierre Kory, MD, MPA (08/18/24)

Dr. Kory discusses two theories of cancer:

  1. Somatic Mutation Theory (SMT)

  2. Metabolic Theory Of Cancer (MTOC)

He first defines cancer and summarizes the definition as follows: "Cancer is the uncontrolled growth of a cell — ever dividing and not dying off naturally nor allowing itself to be cleared by the immune system. Plus, it allows itself to spread and then multiply in areas of the body distant from its origin."

He then covers the following topics in detailed but understandable terms:

  • THE NUCLEUS (Central to the SMT)

  • THE MITOCHONDRIA (Central to the MTOC)


  • The SMT Starts To Run Into Trouble

Dr. Kory concludes:

Ultimately, the SMT is invalid based on the lack of “founding mutations” that would need to be present in every cancer cell.

And then states:

However, there is still a way to “save” the SMT, i.e. make it make sense. But to do that, it would have to be married or “fit in” to another theory that makes foundational sense. That is where the MTOC comes in.

He'll cover MTOC in Part 3 of the series.

The History And Evolution Of The Somatic Mutation Theory - Cancer Series Part 2
Aug 24
12:56 PM