New Residents to Idaho From WA, OR, CA, or NV Must Cancel Voter Registrations in Former State. By Staff Reporter (08/25/24)……

Voters who recently moved to Idaho from Washington, Oregon, California, or Nevada must officially cancel their voter registration in their previous home state.

This is HUGE! You may wonder why WA, OR, CA, and NV are being singled out for special treatment.

It’s because in WA, OR, CA, and NV, ballots are mailed out to all registered voters whether one was requested or not. Voters who leave one of those states but fail to cancel their voter registrations will receive a ballot for the November 5 election at their last known address.

Thus, these voters could end up with TWO ballots — one from their previous home state and one from Idaho. This situation enables an unethical person to cast a vote in both Idaho and their former state, using a fraudulent ballot.

Warning: Double-dipping fraudulent voters could be charged with a crime in Idaho if they vote in both states. Under Idaho Code, Title 18, Chapter 23, Section 18-2306, it is a felony to vote in two states for the same election, with the penalty being prison and/or fines.

The article provides additional details, which voters from the aforementioned states should read carefully.

Aug 27
1:34 PM