Sunshine. Tracking Out-of-State Influence in our Elections. By Secure Idaho Elections (08/29/24)…

Where's the money coming from to destroy Idaho's elections via the Prop 1 ballot initiative?

Secure Idaho Elections has done phenomenal work to answer that question by digging deep into the finances behind this BLUE MOVE.

Perhaps if other states' voters had known all this, they would have defeated Rank Choice Voting and Open Primaries roundly. Idaho MUST defeat Prop 1!

Please read share this substack article, one and all! We've also added it to our extensive “Jungle Primaries & Ranked Choice Voting (RCV) Ballot Initiative: A Race to the Bottom“ collection:…

NOTE: Alaska had such a terrible experience after passing this abominable voting scheme that it is now trying to repeal RCV:

Aug 29
11:13 PM