Is Education Funding for Kids, or for Unions? Guest post by Branden Durst (Brian Almon, Gem State, 08/29/24)

Branden Durst opens with:

“That’s our money!” So indignantly proclaimed the veteran teacher sitting across the table from me during a union contract negotiations meeting. The district had just lost a major levy (rightfully so) and was on a path to financial calamity without major reforms. In this meeting, what was best for the students was clearly the last thing on the agenda.

He explains that many teacher's union leaders and members seem more focused on protecting their financial interests and the system than ensuring a quality education for children.

By contrast, proponents of school choice believe education money must benefit children first and foremost.

Durst addresses many fallacies in the arguments put forth by Idaho Education Association (IEA) Associate Executive Director Matt Compton while explaining how to solve many issues plaguing today's education system.

He closes with:

It’s time to make education about kids, not cash. The money should follow the student, not the system — and certainly not the union’s bottom line.

Is Education Funding for Kids, or for Unions?
Aug 30
12:38 PM