
The Impact of Vaccines Based on Autopsy Reports. FLCCC Senior Fellows Dr. Ryan Cole and Dr. Jessica Rose explore a dramatic increase in autopsies linked to adverse events following COVID-19 vaccinations. FLCCC (video 1 hr, 08/30/24)…

FLCCC Senior Fellows Dr. Ryan Cole (Idaho’s own!) and Dr. Jessica Rose discuss recent studies on vaccine-related deaths showing dramatic increase in autopsies linked to adverse events following COVID-19 vaccinations compared to Influenza vaccines. Many cases involve cardiovascular issues such as myocarditis, cardiac arrest, and pulmonary embolism.

Topics covered in the video and accompanying show notes:

  • What Do COVID Vaccine Autopsy Reports Show?

  • What Happened with Autopsy Reports in The Era of COVID-19 Vaccinations?

  • Autopsies Reveal the True Impact of COVID-19 Vaccines

  • Myocarditis and Other Cardiovascular Findings

  • “No Off Switch” The Unpredictable Nature of mRNA Injections

  • The Need for Transparent Research and Public Awareness

Bonus: West Nile Virus can be treated with, wait for it, yes, ivermectin!

The Impact of Vaccines Based on Autopsy Reports
FLCCC Senior Fellows Dr. Ryan Cole and Dr. Jessica Rose explore a dramatic increase in autopsies linked to adverse events following COVID-19 vaccinations.
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10:17 PM
Aug 30, 2024