AMERICAN THOUGHT LEADERS: Is Social Security Reaching a Dead End? With host Jan Jekielek and guest Star Parker (08/30/24, podcast 28 min)

Star Parker, founder and president of the Center for Urban Renewal and Education (CURE), has much to say about Social Security and entitlements. Bottom line: They hurt the poor and “minorities” disproportionately. She says:

When [social security] was first established, you had 40 workers for every retiree. Today, we have three workers for every retiree. You also have people living longer, and you have all people forced into this system that they don’t own … and they can’t transfer it to their heirs.

Not only is America’s social security system broken, so are America’s welfare and safety net programs, all built on a one-size-fits-all model that fails to help the poor. Such programs entrench generational poverty in certain communities and discourage independence, self confidence, education and job success, traditional two-parent family values, and financial advancement.

You will enjoy listening to her commonsense identification of the problems and the solutions that can work.

Sep 7
12:11 PM