Why Is RCV BAD? If Prop 1 is so great why aren’t they pushing it in blue states (e.g., Washington and Oregon)? By Brent Regan, Chairman KCRCC (09/08/24)


Regan opens with:

Prop 1 eliminates our current political party primaries and replaces them with jungle primaries where dozens of candidates compete to win the four top slots. Those four top vote earners go on to the RCV [Ranked Choice Voting] general election. For the RCV general election you are expected to rank the four candidates in order of your preference. They say it is simple. It’s not.

He then cogently explains why…

  • Open primaries disenfranchise party members.

  • Closed primaries do NOT disenfranchise independent candidates; those candidates simply move on to the General election unscathed.

  • It IS fair for taxpayers to pay for primary elections, just as taxpayers pay for schools and fire protection even if they don’t use those services.

  • Without a primary system, party bosses select candidates, as they did with Kamala Harris, disenfranchising Democrat voters.

  • Jungle (open) primaries and RCV cause voters to do more work to evaluate and rank many more candidates in the general election.

  • With RCV, vote tallying is slower and under control of expensive and hackable internet-connected machines (e.g., the infamous Dominion Voting Systems).

  • RCV results may not be known for days or weeks, and they cannot be audited at the county or precinct level.

  • With RCV, voter turnout will be lower than traditional voting. It’s just too confusing and demoralizing.

  • Jungle primaries and RCV promote vote splitting and weak candidates who will not take strong positions or be honest with voters. Such candidates put being liked before principle, and are easily swayed by special interest groups and big money donors in the name of compromise.

  • Prop 1 gets the worst results for both Democrat and Republican voters.

Regan concludes:

Proposition 1 will force Idaho to use an expensive, confusing and unreliable voting system run by machines made by companies like Dominion.

Let’s keep it simple and keep using what has proven to work.

More information:

👎🚫 Vote NO on Proposition 1!

Jungle Primaries & Ranked Choice Voting (RCV) Ballot Initiative: A Race to the Bottom - Update 10/18/24
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11:44 AM
Sep 9, 2024