
New timeline pages at Totality of Evidence (ToE) - Helping you do your own research! And a little update from "Jack". By Just Call Me Jack (09/12/24)…

Jack provides background about why he started his fantastic “Totality of Evidence” Substack, how he named it after the words of now-imprisoned Dr. Reiner Fuellmich, and the addition of more important voices in the fight against medical tyranny during the COVIDEra. These additional voices include:

  • Dr Shankara Chetty

  • Professor Francis Boyle

  • Dr Mark Trozzi

  • Professor Alexandra Henrion-Caude

  • Professor Dr. Arne Burkardt

  • Dr Melissa McCann

  • Tributes to those who are jab injured or “Died Suddenly”

    • Forest of the Fallen

    • Prof. Mark Crispin Miller – In Memory of Those Who Died Suddenly

New timeline pages at Totality of Evidence (ToE) - Helping you do your own research!
And a little update from "Jack"
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12:33 PM
Sep 12, 2024