Can We Prevent The Next 9/11? Not Unless We Change Course Very Quickly. By Sam Faddis (09/11/24)…

Faddis pulls no punches (does he ever?), writing:

The Foreign Affairs Committee of the House of Representatives just released a report on the Biden-Harris administration’s withdrawal from Afghanistan. It is scathing. It should be…pretty damning stuff and the criticism is well deserved. Joe and Kamala and their cronies got a lot of people killed, and they should be held to account.

All that is in the past, though, and what perhaps should command our immediate attention is what the report has to say, not about what happened in 2021 but what will happen in the future if we do not act quickly and decisively.

He explains the run-up to 9/11 and the Afghanistan, then makes a final chilling conclusion:

The next 9/11 is coming, and it may be much worse than what happened before. No one is doing anything to prevent that. Once again we are sitting still, lying to ourselves and waiting to get hit.

[ED NOTE: Shouldn’t Sam Faddis or someone with his expertise be appointed the next CIA Director? We sure could use the help.]

Can We Prevent The Next 9/11? Not Unless We Change Course Very Quickly
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12:22 PM
Sep 13, 2024