
Their Vaccine Injury Reports Disappeared From VAERS — So They Developed a Tool Anyone Can Use to Track Their Own Reports. By Brenda Baletti, PhD. (09/11/24)…

“After a group of people injured by the COVID-19 vaccine asked the FDA for an external audit of VAERS, they never heard from the agency again. Now they’re developing a system to audit vaccine injury reports in a continuing struggle to hold public health officials accountable.”

Read about a terrific joint project with OpenVAERS, REACT19, and Children's Health Defense (CHD) to audit VAERS and get some transparency and help the “vaccine” injured.


Where's VAERS? - Update 09/22/24
Researchers have been using VAERS and OpenVAERS extensively to explore vaccine adverse events. It is a seriously flawed and incomplete tool but it's all we have for now. 🆕indicates updated info.
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1:36 PM
Sep 14, 2024