The Choice: Parental School Choice. If you're a true warrior, competition doesn't scare you. It makes you better. Andrew Whitworth. By (Christy) Zito for Idaho (09/13/24)


Christy outlines her background in education as a room mother, PTA member, Middle School PTA president, school board member, home school mom, and legislator (soon a re-elected one, we hope!).

She explains the inadequate one size fits all approach to public education. She also warns about dangers of grants for short-term programs, federal agencies, nongovernment organizations, and teachers unions as well as government imposed lockdowns that get in the way of both learning and teaching.

She offers two potential alternatives — Educational Savings Accounts (ESAs) and tax credits — for more parental choice in schooling their kids, provides a survey you can take to offer your input, and provides a number of useful resources.


Umbrellas, Community Schools, United Way & School Board Meetings
Sep 14
3:14 PM