🚨🚨🚨 Big City Coffee wins; BSU loses! By Idaho Freedom Foundation (09/13/24)


Sarah Fendley, owner of Big City Coffee, was forced to close her satellite location on Boise State University’s campus. Why? Because Sarah, the wife of a Boise police officer nearly killed in the line of duty, “backed the blue.” She became the target of cancel culture at the hands of the students and administrators.

Sarah sued the university, alleging two top Boise State University administrators violated her First Amendment rights. She endured hours of grueling depositions and beat BSU's very large legal team. And, thanks to 12 Ada County jurors who sided with free speech vs. cancel culture, she won $3M plus an additional $1 million in punitive damages from BSU administrator Leslie Webb.

Idaho Freedom Foundation says this victory emphasizes the need for Idaho legislators to finally stop the DEI / woke cancel culture at Boise State, the University of Idaho, and the community colleges.

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Sep 15
11:06 AM