
Children’s Health Defense: Most Read News of the Week (09/15/24)…

Article contains links to each topic listed below:

  • Their Vaccine Injury Reports Disappeared From VAERS — So They Developed a Tool Anyone Can Use to Track Their Own Reports

  • 60% of Young People With COVID Vaccine-induced Myocarditis Showed Heart Damage 6 Months Later

  • WHO Approves First Mpox Vaccine for Adults in Africa — Then Says Babies Can Get It, Too, Despite No Clinical Trials

  • Dr. Marty Makary: Medical ‘Groupthink’ Harms Patients, Especially Kids

  • UN ‘Pact for the Future’: Digital IDs, Vaccine Passports, Massive Censorship

  • Teen Brains Aged Faster During Lockdowns — and It Was Worse for Girls

  • FDA Blew Off Scheduled Meetings With COVID Vaccine Injury Victims, Emails Show

  • ‘Forest of the Fallen’: Tribute to Australians Killed or Injured by COVID Shots ‘Planted’ in Front of mRNA Factory

  • ‘Don’t Eat the Bugs’: How to Reclaim Control Over the Food System

  • Coming Sept. 18: ‘Vaxxed 3 Exposes Widespread Injuries, Deaths Following COVID Shots, Hospital Protocols

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2:35 PM
Sep 15, 2024