Boise City Council Calls for Gun Control Reforms for Idaho in Resolution. By Greg Pruett (09/18/24)

The Boise City Council has called for gun control reforms for the state of Idaho in a non-binding resolution passed by the City Council in response to a recent shooting at a high school in Georgia (two students and two teachers were killed).

This resolution, written by Boise City Councilman Jimmy Hallyburton, passed with one dissenting vote from Councilwoman Luci Willits. Others voting for it were Colin Nash, Jordan Morales, Kathy Corless, and Meredith Stead.

Christy Zito is a former Idaho House Representative and Senator, currently serving as Political Director for the Idaho Second Amendment Alliance and running for State Senate in District 8. She stated:

“The Boise city council resolution concerning the Second Amendment is completely unconstitutional and an infringement on the right of the people to protect themselves. Statistics prove that the enactment of constitutional carry in states across the country has resulted in fewer crimes of all kinds.

It is the right of the people to protect themselves and those around them. The average response time for law enforcement to arrive at the scene of a crime across the country is 6 minutes, best case, and hours, worst case. The average interaction time with an assailant is 6 seconds.

The courts have issued rulings that support the fact that law enforcement has no legal obligation to protect the people; the God-given right to self-defense, protected by the Constitution, is our first line of defense.

Every section of the proposed city council resolution is an infringement.”

Sep 19
1:08 PM