Political Vandalism Violates the Law and Undermines our Elections (09/19/24)


The leftist supporters of Proposition 1 (Top Four Primaries & Ranked Choice Voting) have shown their true colors and their true opposition to free and fair elections by vandalizing Idaho GOP signs opposing this measure.

Vandalizing political signs is both immoral and illegal. Putting other signs in front of “VOTE NO” signs is just plain childish, illustrating the poor character and judgment of the perpetrators.


Dorothy Moon brilliantly explains what the vandals have done and what they represent. Paraphrasing:

This vandalism reveals the lies and desperation of Prop 1’s supporters, who are trying to undermine Idaho’s voting process and our currently free and fair elections.

Key points:

  • Prop 1 IS NOT about open primaries.

  • Prop 1 IS about imposing Ranked Choice Voting (RCV) on Idaho.

  • RCV is a system so complex, confusing, unfair, and expensive that it will decrease turnout rather than increase it.

  • Alaska tried Ranked Choice Voting and hated it so much they are trying to repeal it this year.

  • The Idaho Republican Party and Republican National Committee have passed resolutions against RCV. Our Legislature already has banned it.

Moon vows that for every sign these vandals destroy, two more will take its place. The Idaho GOP is offering a $5,000 reward for information leading to the arrest and conviction of the perpetrators.

Moon encourages everyone to remain vigilant, report any suspicious activity to the authorities, and continue to engage in the political process respectfully and lawfully.


Related article:

  • Jungle Primaries & Ranked Choice Voting (RCV) Ballot Initiative: A Race to the Bottom:

DEFEATED! Jungle Primaries & Ranked Choice Voting (RCV) Ballot Initiative: A Race to the Bottom - Update 11/25/24
Sep 19
7:35 PM