
University of California Allows Religious Exemptions on the Heels of Two Successful ICAN-Backed Lawsuits (09/19/24)…

ICAN’s attorneys, led by Aaron Siri, recently settled lawsuits against both UC Davis and UCLA for the UC system’s refusal to grant religious exemptions to students.

Just two weeks later, the entire University of California (UC) school system changed its vaccination policy to permit religious exemptions for all 295,000+ of its students!

Key points:

  • The lawsuits alleged the schools violated the First Amendment by providing a process for students to obtain a secular (medical) exemption but not a religious exemption to the school’s vaccine policy.

  • This win likely will set precedent that can be used in five other states that currently grant NO religious exemptions for vaccination: California, Connecticut, Maine, New York, and West Virginia.

  • After winning the two cases, ICAN’s attorneys threatened to bring more lawsuits against the UC system.

  • Likely not wanting to be deposed by Siri — who tied vaccinologists Drs. Stanley Plotkin and Katherine Edwards up in knots during their depositions on other cases — the UC Board of Regents chose to grant religious exemptions throughout the UC system.

ED NOTE: Some dislike Aaron Siri’s unconventional methods. Some think his proposals and model bills are unethical.

However, he chooses his cases, plaintiffs, and potential for setting good case law carefully and strategically. His wording is precise and clever. He files quietly, chalking up smaller wins that build to much bigger ones over time.

Siri wins many cases and sets case law precedent by using the opponent’s words and ideas against them in ways that wake up judges, juries, and even his opponents.

Watch the video linked below to understand his logic better.


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1 Restack
11:37 AM
Sep 20, 2024