FDA approves first flu vaccine (FluMist) that can be self-administered at home. By Deidre McPhillips (09/20/24)


FluMist, an attenuated live influenza nasal spray manufactured by AstraZeneca, has been used in the United States since 2003. Currently available by prescription in pharmacies and other health care settings for people ages 2 to 49, FluMist will be available next season for home self-administration by adults or to children with the help of a caregiver.

A third-party online pharmacy will prescribe and ship the vaccine after reviewing a screening and eligibility assessment.

[ED NOTE: The CNN article is highly pro-flu vaccine. Flu vaccines overall have low effectiveness but can have serious side effects. Most people recover from the flu with simple treatments. But (some sarcasm) the self-administered drug is just perfect for needle adverse folks who don’t want to make a trip away from home.]

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Sep 22
1:47 PM