George Watts v DOD case dismissed by federal court claiming "sovereign immunity". The court ruled that the government is above the law and can kill you or your child by lying and forcing injections of poison on them under fake pretenses of a "public health crisis". By Sasha Latypova (09/26/24)

ED NOTE: The government “legally” but immorally and unconstitutionally allowed George Watts to be killed without his informed consent.

Latypova explains that the family of George Watts, Jr. a 24-year-old man who died from COVID-19 vaccine-induced myocarditis filed a lawsuit against the U.S. Department of Defense (DOD) and Lloyd Austin, in his official capacity. Funded by Children’s Health Defense, the case was dismissed by a federal judge due to the government’s “sovereign immunity” under the likely unconstitutional PREP Act.

Latypova and her colleague Katherine Watt say the family erred by not filing the case against Lloyd Austin and Gustave Perna as “rogue actors, engaged in mass poisoning and deception” and instead filed against the government itself and Austin in his official capacity.

Latypova states:

Legal strategies that could be considered — by CHD attorneys for this case and by other attorneys who may file similar cases in the future — include filing an amended complaint identifying defendant Lloyd Austin in his personal capacity; adding as co-defendant, also in his personal capacity, Operation Warp Speed Chief Operating Officer, Army General Gustave Perna; and requesting that federal judges nullify the PREP Act in its entirety to the extent that the Department of Justice and Department of Defense hold the position that the PREP Act authorizes sovereign rulers to poison and kill subjects while enjoying the privileges of sovereign immunity.

Finally, she states:

I hope this court ruling is heard widely and clearly by all. Don’t take this as legal advice, but next time the government claims an emergency and mandates you to do anything for your safety —please tell them to go and [what Elon Musk said] themselves.

George Watts v DOD case dismissed by federal court claiming "sovereign immunity".
Sep 29
11:37 PM