WEATHER ENGINEERING: The US knows how to stop and redirect hurricanes, control weather, and steer other “natural” disasters (posted 10/02/24; 🆕 patents update posted 10/06/24)

Many people believe that weather engineering is conspiracy theory. But DECADES of catastrophic events — hurricanes, floods, wildfires, earthquakes, and more — point to government and military efforts to control otherwise natural disasters.

Conspiracy theories? Maybe yes, maybe no. But many so-called conspiracy theories ultimately have turned out to be facts (including COVID origins, COVID countermeasures and safety).

ED NOTE Some Idahoans wonder about the "natural causes" of recent MASSIVE fires in the Western US mainland, including in hydropower-, wind-, and mineral-rich Idaho. 

When asked recently about whether cloud seeding could have contributed to the fires, public information officers and other officials respond with deer-in-the-headlights looks along with "not my area of responsibility, we don't know, or I just fight the fires." Most showed no curiosity or were reluctant to investigate.

Here are a few resources that may cause you to don a weather engineering tinfoil hat:

→ 🆕 Method For Controlling Hurricanes. By (10/05/24)…

This page includes many patents (scroll down for more)

Abstract: US Patent 20100072297A1

A method for controlling hurricanes by raising temperature in the eye and/or in the outflow. Air temperature within the eye and in the outflow of a hurricane is raised by flying scores of jet planes with afterburners in the structure. Small changes in temperature on a large scale bring in large changes in other variables on the smaller scale to change the direction and intensity of the hurricane. 

→ Ben Livingston: The Father of Weaponized Weather (11/03/12, video 39:28, includes transcript):

From the show notes:

Veteran weather modification expert Ben Livingston is a former Navy Physicist who briefed President Lyndon B. Johnson on the effectiveness of weather control back in the 1960s during the Vietnam era, when he was involved in cloud seeding programs that worked to slow down the advance of Vietnamese and Korean troops.

Several recent commenters on this 2012 video mentioned possible connections with the destruction of Lahaina, HI (fire) and Asheville, NC areas (hurricanes/floods) this past year.

Livingston asserts and explains:

  • Hurricane control was a national priority of the government more than 40 years ago and the technology was fully operational to control the weather at the time.

  • For decades, the US government could both lessen and increase the severity of adverse weather for their own purposes.

  • In 1966, aircraft under Livingston's control were fitted with cloud seeding equipment. Their mission was to find clouds and seed them for maximum precipitation value.

  • The Stanford Research Institute, brought into the Project Storm Fury weather control program in the late sixties, uncovered knowledge of how to stop hurricanes and direct liability for a hurricane that caused extensive damage and loss of life.

  • The devastation caused by Hurricane Katrina could have been greatly minimized but was allowed to fully impact Gulf states for political reasons.

  • Weather control has been a decades long program in which the US government has been deeply involved.

  • Abundant modern-day evidence exists for how chemtrails are being used to warp our environment in a geoengineering plot with unknown human health and ecological consequences.

→ How to Steer Hurricanes, Flood Homes, and Steal Lithium. By Greg Reese (10/02/24):…

We have had the technology to create, control, and steer hurricanes for decades. Summarized examples:

  • 1940s Project Cirrus — run by General Electric with the support of the US military — was an early official attempt to modify a hurricane by changing the temperature outside the eye-wall of a hurricane. They seeded the clouds with various compounds such as silver iodide to decrease strong winds.

  • October 13, 1947, Project Cirrus targeted a hurricane heading out to sea by dropping dry ice into the clouds. This caused a “pronounced modification of the cloud deck.” The hurricane abruptly changed direction and made landfall near Savannah, Georgia. The public blamed the government, but the government denied it for twelve years.

  • In 1965, Project Stormfury seeded Hurricane Betsy, which immediately changed direction and made landfall in Southern Florida. Despite Congressional hearings blaming this on Project Stormfury, the project was allowed to continue.

  • In 1997, U.S. Defense Secretary William Cohen admitted we have the technology to control the weather, including earthquakes and volcanoes. The U.S. government has placed gag orders on employees of the national weather service.

  • In October of 2012, after Hurricane Sandy weakened to a tropical storm, microwave imagery shows a thick red beam immediately followed by Sandy growing into a Category 1 hurricane and taking an unexplained “left turn” into New Jersey.

  • NORTH CAROLINA CONNECTION: The push towards alternative energy demands more lithium, with over 6 million tons of identified lithium resources in the US. The majority is in Kings Mountain, North Carolina.

    Last year, the Department of Defense entered a $90M agreement with Albemarle Corporation to increase domestic production of lithium for the nation’s battery supply chain. Specifically, from Kings Mountain, North Carolina, an area now experiencing biblical floods. An area where the residents don’t want their quiet towns turned into lithium mines.

ED NOTE: Similar to North Carolina, many in Idaho (hard hit by wildfires in Summer 2024) do not want the CuMo mine or the Lava Ridge wind project to destroy their rural lands.

→ Look, up in the sky! …could it be geoengineering? By Dr. Kevin Stillwagon (08/16/23): drkevinstillwagon.subst…

Covers many of the above mentioned projects along with some truths and myths about chem trails.

→ Cloud Seeding Experiment in Idaho. By Sara Allstot:

Should state agencies and for-profit companies be given special liability exemptions for experimental projects carried out in an open-air environment? Where there is risk, there must be liability.

This article covers painstakingly gathered information and includes many valuable resources and links for those interested in cloud seeding and weather engineering.

Cloud Seeding Experiment in Idaho
Oct 2
2:09 PM