To Stem the Flow of Illegal Immigrants, Idaho Must Stop Funding their Handouts. By Niklas Kleinworth (10/04/24)…

Idaho invites illegals into our state via its welfare system, with publicly funded handouts like food and healthcare. Idaho must adopt a zero-tolerance policy against taxpayer support for illegal immigrants.

Healthcare handouts to illegals currently includes prenatal care and postnatal care for up to one year, immunizations, and treating communicable diseases. Over 3,800 such claims were funded through Medicaid since the 2020 fiscal year with a cumulative price tag (as of June) nearing $45.6 million.

“Look the other way” federal requirements are also burdening states, including Idaho. These include:

  • No requirement to provide social security numbers to receive food stamps.

  • New federal rules allowing illegal aliens to qualify for Obamacare subsidies.

How can Idaho fight back?

  • End handouts for illegal immigrants.

  • Ignore exemptions to the federal ban on illegals in government programs.

  • Re-introduce House Bill 615, which required lawful presence in order to receive benefits (died in House Health & Welfare Committee, chair John Vander Woude). HB615 would have ended taxpayer-funded nutrition benefits, immunizations, prenatal care, postnatal care, and catch-all medical treatments for illegals:

  • Cross-check eligibility on various programs to prevent overlap.

  • Vet non-government contractors to ensure they aren’t unlawfully offering services for illegal immigrants through their taxpayer-funded efforts.


Every year, known illegal border crossings from Mexico surpass the entire population of the Gem State. Supplying them with taxpayer-funded supplies and services lays out the welcome mat for those who have no legal right to be here. Idaho must take the inverse approach of failing states like California. We must stop funding handouts to illegals on the backs of our residents.

Oct 5
10:32 AM